BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:INTEGRA CPD X-WR-CALDESC:Next-Generation Training &\; Development for Counsellors &a mp\; Psychotherapists X-FROM-URL: X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/London BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20231029T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 RDATE:20241027T020000 TZNAME:GMT END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240331T010000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20240425T042104Z CATEGORIES;LANGUAGE=en-GB:All Counsellors &\; Psychotherapists\,Training Courses\,Workshop Groups (10 +) CONTACT:Michael Soth\; +44 1865 725 205\; DESCRIPTION:Now he worships at an altar of a stagnant pool\nAnd when he see s his reflection\, he’s fulfilled\nOh\, man is opposed to fair play\nHe wa nts it all and he wants it his way.\nBob Dylan: License To Kill\n \nNarcis sism has a reputation for being notoriously difficult to engage with in th erapy\, for a variety of good reasons\, not least because the very idea of ‘needing’ therapy is a humiliating insult to the grandiose self. As one o f the key modern ‘disturbances of the self’\, narcissism has replaced Vict orian repression as the psychological disease of the age\, which means tha t the original theories of our discipline from 100 years ago no longer qui te apply. As a dominant collective issue\, as exhibited by the celebrity c ulture all over the world and all over the media\, the term ‘narcissism’ h as entered pop psychology and lost all precision and meaning. In order to be clinically useful\, we need to have a clear\, circumscribed definition of narcissism\, and its origins and manifestations.\nBeyond commonplace ov er-simplifications\, the various therapeutic traditions have widely diverg ent ideas and theories about narcissism\, leading to quite contradictory r ecommendations for therapists. More than many other issues\, therefore\, n arcissism requires an integrative stance\, that can draw insights and unde rstanding from the various approaches and combine them\, to provide a comp rehensive understanding and therapeutic response.\nBecause the narcissist tries to approximate an image of perfection (attempting to manifest a gran diose self)\, this leads to a chameleon-like disconnection from the body\, and an objectifying\, ‘perfecting’ treatment of it. For many celebrities\ , the body becomes an advertisement of the False Self\, treated like one m ore fashion accessory. More than many other issues\, therefore\, narcissis m calls for an embodied therapy\, reconnecting the person to pleasurable\, ordinary human reality\, rather than pursuing the delusions of a disembod ied virtual self.\nBecause the narcissist was emotionally ‘used’ by their parent(s)\, their individuality was never fully seen and mirrored. Therefo re\, in the moment where we apply a generic diagnostic label and put the n arcissist into the same category with many others\, we are re-inflicting a lack of individual mirroring. More than any other issue\, narcissism reve als some of the shadow aspects and weaknesses of our discipline. In order to make therapy possible\, we cannot afford to rely on a reasonable and su pposedly realistic ego-ego alliance: we need a working alliance both with the wounded\, insignificant self as well as the inflated grandiose self.\n This course will provide condensed understanding extracted from the variou s therapeutic approaches\, specifically drawing from and integrating the v arious psychoanalytic\, the humanistic-embodied and the Jungian traditions . We will combine the theoretical input with practical\, experiential work \, based upon vignettes and case illustrations volunteered by participants \, to explore how these ideas may be applied in practice.\nWe will be draw ing on the following literature:\n\nJacoby\, Mario (2013\, Reprint edition ) Individuation and Narcissism: The Psychology of Self in Jung and Kohut. Routledge.\nJohnson\, S. M. (1987) Humanizing the Narcissistic Style. W.W. Norton.\nJohnson\, S. M. (1994) Character Styles. W.W. Norton.\nKohut\, H . (2009) The Analysis of the Self: A Systematic Approach to the Psychoanal ytic Treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorders.\nKohut\, H. (2009) T he Restoration of the Self.\nKernberg\, O. (1984) Severe Personality Disor ders: Psychotherapeutic Strategies. Yale University Press.\nKernberg\, O. (1996) Borderline Conditions and Pathological Narcissism. Jason Aronson.\n Otto Kernberg\, On Narcissism: \;\nLowen\, A. (2004) Narciss ism: Denial of the True Self. Touchstone.\nSchwartz-Salant\, N. (1982) Nar cissism and Character Transformation. Inner City Books.\nShaw\, D. (2013) Traumatic Narcissism: Relational Systems of Subjugation. Routledge.\nTweng e\, J.M. & Campbell\, W.K. (2010) The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the A ge of Entitlement. Free Press. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250521T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250521T170000 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Proposed CPD workshop: Narcissism in Therapy URL: rapy/ X-COST-TYPE:external X-WP-IMAGES-URL:thumbnail\; nt_Images/Narcissus.jpg\;128\;73\;\,medium\; ontent/uploads/Event_Images/Narcissus.jpg\;600\;342\; X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n

Now he worships at an altar of a stagnant pool
\nAnd when he sees his reflection\, he’s fulfilled
\n Oh\, man is opposed to fair play
\nHe wants it all and he wa nts it his way.


Bob Dylan: License To Kill




Narcissism has a reputation for being notoriously difficult t o engage with in therapy\, for a variety of good reasons\, not least becau se the very idea of ‘needing’ therapy is a humiliating insult to the grand iose self. As one of the key modern ‘disturbances of the self’\, narcissis m has replaced Victorian repression as the psychological disease of the ag e\, which means that the original theories of our discipline from 100 year s ago no longer quite apply. As a dominant collective issue\, as exhibited by the celebrity culture all over the world and all over the media\, the term ‘narcissism’ has entered pop psychology and lost all precision and me aning. In order to be clinically useful\, we need to have a clear\, circum scribed definition of narcissism\, and its origins and manifestations.


Beyond commonplace over-simplifications\, the various therapeutic tra ditions have widely divergent ideas and theories about narcissism\, leadin g to quite contradictory recommendations for therapists. More than many ot her issues\, therefore\, narcissism requires an integrative stance \, that can draw insights and understanding from the various appr oaches and combine them\, to provide a comprehensive understanding and the rapeutic response.


Because the narcissist tries to approximate an image of perfection (attempting to manifest a grandiose self)\, t his leads to a chameleon-like disconnection from the body\, and an objecti fying\, ‘perfecting’ treatment of it. For many celebrities\, the body beco mes an advertisement of the False Self\, treated like one more fashion acc essory. More than many other issues\, therefore\, narcissism calls for an embodied therapy\, reconnecting the person to pleasurable \, ordinary human reality\, rather than pursuing the delusions of a disemb odied virtual self.


Because the narcissist was emotionally ‘used’ by their parent(s)\, their individuality was never fully seen and mirrored . Therefore\, in the moment where we apply a generic diagnostic label and put the narcissist into the same category with many others\, we are re-inf licting a lack of individual mirroring. More than any other issue\, narcissism reveals some of the shadow aspects and weaknesses of our disc ipline. In order to make therapy possible\, we cannot afford to r ely on a reasonable and supposedly realistic ego-ego alliance: we need a w orking alliance both with the wounded\, insignificant self as well as the inflated grandiose self.


This course will provide condensed unders tanding extracted from the various therapeutic approaches\, specifically d rawing from and integrating the various psychoanalytic\, the humanistic-em bodied and the Jungian traditions. We will combine the theoretical input w ith practical\, experiential work\, based upon vignettes and case illustra tions volunteered by participants\, to explore how these ideas may be appl ied in practice.


We will be drawing on the following literature:\n

\n X-TAGS;LANGUAGE=en-GB:proposed\,Workshop X-COST:£90 to £100 per day END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR