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Embracing the paradigm clash between the ‘medical model’ and counselling (2007)

Embracing the paradigm clash between the ‘medical model’ and counselling (2007)2017-04-07T02:55:20+00:00

Project Description

A Response to James T. Hansen's article “Should counselling be considered a healthcare profession?”
This article, published in 'Therapy Today' under the title 'Polarising or embracing?', was a response to an earlier article by James T. Hansen who - from a postmodern perspective - was challenging counselling's slow gravitation towards 'medical model' thinking. Whilst appreciating Hansen's philosophical arguments and largely agreeing with them, I am suggesting that something more difficult and complex than philosophical argument is required, and that as a profession we cannot afford to polarise against the 'medical model'.
In this article I am suggesting that the conflict between 'medical model' and relational-existential stances is inherent in our work, and cannot be 'solved' or reduced to one or the other side, but needs to be engaged in the specifics of each particular therapeutic relationship, as it reflects and gets mixed up with conflicts also in the client's inner world.


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