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Testimonials & Feedback

Testimonials & Feedback2017-05-04T22:36:41+00:00

About these Testimonials

All testimonials and comments on this page are from previous participants, and have been extracted from feedback forms and unsolicited emails, with permission.

“Thank you so much for leading another tremendously valuable and thought provoking weekend. And thanks also for sending the hand-outs so promptly.

I really do feel that I benefit from looking at and experiencing chaos, and its edge, in the group that you so wonderfully facilitate. This is why this is my third year of attending. The experiential group process is so valuable to me. I have already seen my first client of the week and have more clearly been able to attune to the 'edge' between us and I feel that we have had a deeper session as a result. thank you.”

I really do feel that I benefit from looking at and experiencing chaos, and its edge, in the group that you so wonderfully facilitate. This is why this is my third year of attending. The experiential group process is so valuable to me. I have already seen my first client of the week and have more clearly been able to attune to the 'edge' between us and I feel that we have had a deeper session as a result. thank you.”

“Experiential teaching and learning at its best! Michael combines his vast knowledge and wealth of experience to deliver a powerful and transformative workshop. Using the group and material from within the group, he demonstrates, educates, challenges, and heals. I gained enormously on both personal and professional levels and learnt on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels. A fantastic programme for anyone wishing to deepen their personal and professional understanding and experience.”

Caroline White, Psychosynthesis Counsellor & Reflexologist

“As an experienced therapist, it is rare that I attend a workshop these days that stimulates, energises and moves me as much as this workshop with Michael Soth did. He works with such integrity and commitment and his energetic openness invites a level of trust and self-exploration that allowed me to experience and witness profound moments of change, creativity, and inspiration. I am hungry for more of this kind of work.”

Beatrice Millar, Person-centred Psychotherapist

“I attended Michael Soth's workshop 'Working with Sub-Personalities in and through the Body'. I highly recommend this workshop. Michael's presentation of theory was extremely clear and his experiential work is exceptional. He held the group with warmth, sincerity, integrity and humour.

[/fusion_text]He is a very fine psychotherapist and an inspirational teacher. I was so impressed by Michael's work, I am now one of his clients.”

Michele Costa, Transpersonal Counsellor

“The workshop will probably end up having saved me many months, maybe even years, of painful learning through error, and saved my clients, no doubt, if I can learn from this, a great deal of money!”

“Brilliant workshop yesterday - we are all still buzzing! Would be grateful for the handouts relating to the workshop. Hope to meet with you again.”
“Thank you for a very inspiring workshop today. Please could you email me any handouts you have. Thanks!”
“I learnt more about me and my practice in four hours than in four years of training.”
“I wanted to thank you for the workshop last weekend. I got a tremendous amount out of it, found it very stimulating for both my own process and seeing it as a way of working with clients, which increasingly makes more and more sense to me. I am very keen to continue this learning process ...”
“I did not always find it easy or comfortable, but ultimately rewarding and it had a profound effect on my practice.”
“I found a whole new level of skills and capacities within myself - of perception, intuition and creativity.”
“Just want to say a very big thank you for a wonderful workshop on Tuesday. I got a huge amount from it and I know others did, too. I have had an unprecented number of emails from our members, saying how much they enjoyed it. Many have asked if you could come again sometime. So, you have been warned!”
“Once more I want to thank you for your workshop last weekend - it was excellent and exactly what I have been looking for, for a while. I found your presence particularly a great support for my own process allowing for me to move on; I often feel stuck - that leads onto self-doubting and self-deprecation. Your particular style, your solidity, humour and humanity and the composition of the group that was particularly intimate and safe has allowed me to make use of the time in a different, fuller way. I continue being stirred up and more alive than usually.”
“I am aware how extremely important this time has been for me professionally and personally, and I have a sense of a breakthrough. I have experienced since a stream of realisations that led me to feel more grounded in myself and aware of what I do habitually and what else is possible. It is a fantastic feeling, difficult to describe in more detail than that.”
“The richness of perspectives and experience represented by the group for sure helped, but I hold no illusions about the many years of engaged practice, reflection and synthesis on your part to enable this to condense so clearly. … I think the workshop will probably end up having saved me many months, maybe even years, of painful learning through error, and saved my clients, no doubt, if I can learn from this, a great deal of money! Many thanks.”

“I felt stretched to my emotional and mental limits, but the more I got involved, the more I gained, both personally and professionally.”

“Thank you for a very stimulating, thought-provoking and humorous evening last week at the Tavistock. I enjoyed it very much, do send me the slides of your whole presentation as you kindly offered.”
“Thank you for your workshop on Monday at the Tavistock, I really like the way you present your work, it felt real and was captivating. … I hope to have the chance to see you again presenting your work.”
“I am one of the people that watched your last night's presentation at CONFER. I would like to thank you for a very powerful and stimulating experience, which made me think a lot.”
“My awareness of my countertransference as well as my understanding of the relational dynamic developed a lot more than I had expected, mainly due to the experiential learning format rather than through theoretical understanding.”
“I took an important step just trusting and going into the work with you. I want you to know that the reason I did was a reflection of who you are and of my developing trust in you and others. That was healing for me in itself and I will carry that with me somewhere in my psyche and I know that your offer of help and your willingness to reach out to me will be important to me on my personal and professional journey.”
“I wanted to write to you to tell you how the training with you has impacted me personally and professionally. I also wanted to tell you that I admire your authentic humanness and how that quality in conjunction with your immense knowledge and experience makes you the therapist, supervisor and trainer that I value, respect and admire - also added to that mix is trust. I have learned from you on many levels.”

“I was challenged, held, stimulated and alivened ...”

“I have been musing about how I experienced your way of working, and although scary, feel that I would certainly gain much personally and professionally through doing more work with you. I want to become much more robust, less scared and alive from a place that is non-defensive and is facilitative for me and my clients.”

“Thank you also for your way of being and working. I was challenged, held, stimulated and alivened (I know that is not a proper word but best describes the internal process within me!) through your presence, work with myself and others in the group.”

“I have had an unprecented number of emails from our members, saying how much they enjoyed it.”

“Perhaps it is in the nature of counselling training that some things are caught rather than taught. Certainly I valued this course most because of what I caught from Michael. For example, at three points during the weekend he moved into an outstanding masterclass. It is awesome what information our bodies hold, if we only know how to listen. This was in parallel with practicums working in pairs with particular emphasis on what we sensed in our bodies. At a personal level this shifted something significant for me, giving helpful new insight into a subpersonality. And professionally it gave me confidence and trust in this approach with its different awareness. Above all the course validated the significance and importance of the non-verbal and intuitive in my work and in myself, and I continue to find this very precious.”
Marie Jelley, Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist
“I just wanted to let you know the impact of that work for me and to say 'thank you' really... two words that barely express how I value that our paths have crossed and that I have had the opportunity to work and train with you at this stage of my life's journey.”
“I want to thank you for an extremely stimulating day when you came to talk to us Relate counsellors in Richmond. The links, slides, book references and future events are much appreciated and will extend the value of the day. You asked for feedback; the word that best represents the feeling I had after the training is 'refreshed'. Your focus on the body and the embodied experience gave permission for me to notice and use these aspects in my work. This came at the right time because I'd been keen to understand these aspects better and be more confident with them. Your reminder that when the process is too 'cosy' we may not be using all the potential for growth will remain with me.”
M.D. - July 2014, Relate
“Thanks for the email and the attachments. All interesting and relevant, as was the workshop.”
L. J. - July 2014, Relate