What Supports the Sustainability of our Practice as Therapists? – Part 3 (2015)

What Supports the Sustainability of our Practice as Therapists? – Part 3 (2015)2017-04-07T02:55:21+00:00

Project Description

After some years of not writing very much, I have written a substantial article on this crucial topic: mainly based on years of supervision experience and seeing supervisees' practices struggle or flourish, I explore the key factors that influence how we process the 'emotional load' of our practice (which in turn affects its sustainability). The article includes some of the basic principles of an embodied-relational perspective, e.g. an awareness of relational stances as underpinning theories and techniques, the notion that the therapist will need to be drawn into the client's internal conflict (simplistically described as the client's 'habitual mode' versus 'emergency') and the therapist's habitual position. These ideas are foundational ingredients in the particular broad-spectrum integrative approach I teach, and thus a good introduction, as well as addressing the theme of the article. In its current form, the article is missing its conclusion - I will complete this during 2016, in preparation for publication in the BACP Journal 'Private Practice'. In the meantime, I welcome any feedback you may have, which may help me improve the final version and make it clearer and more accessible. The fourth and final part will be published later this year (2016).


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