Broad-spectrum Integration of Diverse Therapeutic Traditions
We draw on a unique broad-spectrum integration of a wide variety of therapeutic approaches (with as little bias towards favouring one over others and without preaching any).
- All the schools of the Body Psychotherapy tradition: Reichian, vegeto, bioenergetics, biosynthesis, biodynamic, etc
- A wide range of humanistic-integrative approaches: Gestalt, Process-Oriented Psychology, breathwork and rebirthing, Transactional Analysis, Person-Centred, Existential, Psychodrama and more
- Psychoanalytic: object relations, self psychology, intersubjectivity and relational perspectives, and intensive, short-term psychodynamic approches; also influenced by group analysis (Bion, Foulkes)
- Systemic: family systems and Bert Hellinger’s family constellations; Minuchin's family therapy
- Transpersonal: Jungian and archetypal psychology, psychosynthesis; guided imagery and fantasy
- Constructivist and hypnotherapy, trance and NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming)
- Cognitive-behavioural and its variations and developments: CBT, CAT
- Mindfulness-based approaches
- Variety of specific trauma therapies: EMDR, Somatic Trauma Therapy, sensori-motor, Somatic Experiencing and others