Project Description
This handout is an evolving draft, presenting a sequence of reflective questions and alerts as to where to put my focus of attention when as a therapist I feel caught in an enactment. The starting point is my awareness that the client and I are in a particular kind of contact (see my hand-out Three Kinds of Contact (1995)) that feels like the working alliance is wobbling or compromised (i.e. my perception is that there is dissonance as well as resonance, or mis-attunement as well as attunement) - in the three kinds of contact I call this No.2. This is the time - before the enactment really gets going and intensifies - to start wondering what the wounding dynamic actually is. I'm assuming that the bulk of the enactment relies on pre-reflexive, bodymind communications and interactions (i.e. which we might have access to via 'implicit relational knowing'), but to start with I only have a confused sense or vague intuition and a multitude of fragmented stream-of-consciousness perceptions. These questions are designed to help me ""gather the fragments"" (I take it for granted that this includes fragments both within myself, in the client and in the whole system), so that I can stay fully engaged and involved, whilst inviting awareness to grow from within the enactment.
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