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Suggested reading and preparatory materials for Pakistan August 2016

Suggested reading and preparatory materials for Pakistan August 20162017-05-31T08:57:08+00:00

a)    Certificate Students


The Body in Counselling (1999)

How ‘the Wound’ Enters the Consulting Room (2006)

Psychotherapy: Paradoxes, Pitfalls & Potential (2003)


b)    Diploma Students

Reading Michael:

Humanistic or psychodynamic – what is the difference and do we have to make a choice? (Lavinia Gomez 2003)

Is it Possible to Integrate Humanistic Techniques into a Transference-Countertransference Perspective? (2004)

What is ‘Working with the Body’ ? (2002)

Relating to and with the Objectified Body (1999)

Embodied Countertransference – some extracts (2004)


Racker, H. (1958) The Meaning and Uses of Countertransference

Reich (1943) On Character-Analytic Technique

Clarkson (1994) Foreword: The Therapeutic Relationship

Clarkson Chapter 1: A Multiplicity of Relationships in Psychotherapy

Lyons-Ruth, K. (1998) Implicit Relational Knowing

Schore (2000) Attachment and the Regulation of the Right Brain

Schore (2004) Neuropsychoanalysis

Schore (2010) Projective Identification, Unconscious Communication and the Right Brain


The Client’s Conflict becomes the Therapist’s Conflict (1998)

The Three Relational Revolutions (2007)

Character Formation (1995)

3 Parallel Relationships (1996)

Three Kinds of Contact (1995)


c)    Tutors


Group Body Psychotherapy (2008)

Crowded Intimacy – Engaging Multiple Enactments in Complex Trauma Work (Morit Heitzler 2010)

Broken Boundaries, Invaded Territories (Morit Heitzler 2013)

The Relational Turn in Body Psychotherapy (2012)

We Are All Relational, But Are Some More Relational Than Others? (2013)

Commentary and critique of introductory chapter of Martha Stark’s 1999 “Modes of Therapeutic Action

What Supports the Sustainability of our Practice as Therapists? (2015)


The Therapist’s Relational Stance (2003,2010,2015)

The essential relational conflict inherent in the therapeutic position: object- versus subject-relating (2014)

The 4 Main Countertransference Objects in the Enactment (2014)


d)    Supervisors


The Therapist’s Implicit Relational Stance & Habitual Positions (2007)


The Implicit Relational Stance Underlying Theory and Technique (1995)

Soth – Extended Model of Parallel Process (2005)

The Main 5 Conflicting Aspects of the Supervisor Role (2015)


e)    Everybody:

From talking to experiencing: “Beyond talking therapies” - Using 2-chair work & other experiential therapy techniques:

As most of you will know, I have been running CPD workshops in the UK on 2-chair work for many years now, and it is one of the most effective techniques for turning talking therapy into experiential therapy. However, there are certain recurring pitfalls with how the technique has been handed down to us. I haven't got any recent writing on the topic, but I'm still using a longish piece (20-odd tight pages) as a handout for the workshops which I wrote 20 years ago and which is basically still valid:

Working with Polarities / Gestalt Dialogue / 'Two-chair' work (including the 4 pitfalls of Two-Chair Work)

Here is a summary:

‘Two-chair’ work - condensed summary of steps