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The Gestalt Cycle (including typical contact disturbances) (1992)

The Gestalt Cycle (including typical contact disturbances) (1992)2017-04-07T02:57:05+00:00

Project Description

This handout is a modern version of the cycle of Gestalt formation and destruction - the way new experiences move into the foreground, become figural, are engaged with and then eventually lose interest. In this modern diagram (based upon Clarkson/Sills/Lapworth), the stages of the cycle and the typical contact interruptions of each stage are indicated. The basic idea is that interrupted cycles (incomplete/unfinished Gestalten) will have the tendency to interfere in present 'here and now' functioning, manifesting as continuing contact disturbances. The basic premise of the Gestalt cycle is very similar to the Gerda Boyesen's 'Vasomotoric Cycle'.


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