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Michael’s Psychotherapy CPD Blog

Online CPD blog  for counsellors and psychotherapists who want to develop their integrative, embodied, relational understanding and deepen their practice.

3. How do we further continuing development in an ‘impossible profession’?

How do we further continuing development in an 'impossible profession'? In the last two entries, I described the crisis point in professional development that therapists can experience when they are getting in touch with the inherent impossibility of the therapeutic endeavour, and how wrapped up this can become with a disturbing sense of professional failure [...]

By |2018-07-24T21:52:18+00:00September 6th, 2011|Michael's Psychotherapy CPD Blog|0 Comments

What actually is ‘Quality of Relationship’ and can it be Enhanced?

It's an important question, as it is the nebulous catch-all phrase increasingly used to capture the essential factor which apparently makes therapy work - or not! But when we probe a little deeper what people actually mean by the innocuous phrase (which is easily accepted as consensual - we all want quality of relationship, don't [...]

By |2017-03-07T19:54:48+00:00October 11th, 2010|Michael's Psychotherapy CPD Blog|0 Comments