The Development of the Chiron Approach – Phases, Steps & Revisions (2005, simple)

The Development of the Chiron Approach – Phases, Steps & Revisions (2005, simple)2017-04-07T03:01:19+00:00

Project Description

This hand-out summarises all the graphics (plus a few more) which I put together for my chapter of the same title for the book ""Contemporary Body Psychotherapy - the Chiron Approach"" (edited by Linda Hartley), in which I charted my development over 25 years of studying, working and teaching at Chiron. This handout was later used for a talk I gave on ""80 years of Body Psychotherapy"". In essence, the handout charts Chiron's roots in an integration of all the various Body Psychotherapy schools, towards recognising and engaging with the wounds and shadow aspect of our tradition, resulting in learning from and integrating other approaches (especially psychoanalytic, but also many humanistic as well as existential and systemic), and then via the relational turn towards the development of an integral-relational stance, which both transcends and includes all the previous phases in the paradoxical embrace of what I like to call the 'Fractal Self'.


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