Botley Rd
Oxford OX2
Over the last 15 years or so, relational perspectives have had a significant impact across the field of psychotherapy. However, the wider its increasing influence has spread, the less clear it has become what we actually mean by ‘relational’. The default common denominator would be the recognition that in therapy it's the relationship between client and therapist that matters, and that the quality of that relationship is a significant indicator of outcome.
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This Sunday morning talk will offer a whistle-stop tour through the three most established and mutually complementary formulations regarding relational stances, those by Gomez, Stark and Clarkson, with a brief overview outlining my ‘diamond model’, which is an attempt to integrate all three of them. It is in the nature of the topic that the event will be quite abstract - to help you prepare for the talk, I will offer some reading materials prior to the event.
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