There are two different ways in which you can display the forthcoming events (use the drop-down menu on the right to switch between them): Agenda and Month.
To see all events and display earlier or later time periods, click the < or > next to the calendar icon on the left.
You can use the Categories and Tags drop-down menu to filter the display and restrict it to certain kinds of events. To de-select categories or tags and show all events, click the crossed circle next to the currently displayed category.
View a sequential listing of events by date, including their titles, date and time details. By clicking on the plus-sign on the right, you can expand the panel to see the full workshop/event description - at the bottom you find a button saying "Read more ..." - follow that to the dedicated page with all the event details.
View a month at a time in calendar format, with events displayed on the relevant day. Click the title of the event to follow the link to the full event details.
None of these previous listings include proposed events - there is a separate page for those in the menu: Proposed Events.
Bristol Monthly Small Supervision Groups
Integrative, experiential supervision & professional development group
with Michael Soth
This medium-size group meets on a regular monthly basis (Friday evenings) on Zoom.
Currently 4 places available (from 8 Mar 2024)
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bi-monthly Supervision & Personal-Professional Development Group for Experienced Therapists
meeting bi-monthly on Tuesdays on Zoom (11.00 – 17.30)
maximum 8 participants - currently 6
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bristol Monthly Small Supervision Groups
Integrative, experiential supervision & professional development group
with Michael Soth
This medium-size group meets on a regular monthly basis (Friday evenings) on Zoom.
Currently 4 places available (from 8 Mar 2024)
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bi-monthly Supervision & Personal-Professional Development Group
meeting bi-monthly on Tuesdays on Zoom (10.00 – 16.30)
maximum 9 participants - currently 6 participants, inviting up to 3 new members from January 2023
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bristol Monthly Small Supervision Groups
Integrative, experiential supervision & professional development group
with Michael Soth
This medium-size group meets on a regular monthly basis (Friday evenings) on Zoom.
Currently 4 places available (from 8 Mar 2024)
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bi-monthly Supervision & Personal-Professional Development Group for Experienced Therapists
meeting bi-monthly on Tuesdays on Zoom (11.00 – 17.30)
maximum 8 participants - currently 6
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bristol Monthly Small Supervision Groups
Integrative, experiential supervision & professional development group
with Michael Soth
This medium-size group meets on a regular monthly basis (Friday evenings) on Zoom.
Currently 4 places available (from 8 Mar 2024)
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bristol Monthly Small Supervision Groups
Integrative, experiential supervision & professional development group
with Michael Soth
This medium-size group meets on a regular monthly basis (Friday evenings) on Zoom.
Currently 4 places available (from 8 Mar 2024)
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bi-monthly Supervision & Personal-Professional Development Group
meeting bi-monthly on Tuesdays on Zoom (10.00 – 16.30)
maximum 9 participants - currently 6 participants, inviting up to 3 new members from January 2023
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bi-monthly Supervision & Personal-Professional Development Group for Experienced Therapists
meeting bi-monthly on Tuesdays on Zoom (11.00 – 17.30)
maximum 8 participants - currently 6
For further information, see the dedicated page
Bristol Monthly Small Supervision Groups
Integrative, experiential supervision & professional development group
with Michael Soth
This medium-size group meets on a regular monthly basis (Friday evenings) on Zoom.
Currently 4 places available (from 8 Mar 2024)
For further information, see the dedicated page