This is Reich's diagram of an impulse 'turning back against itself'. This diagram is easier to understand if we illustrate it with terms drawn from Transactional Analysis. Turning against the self in character formation implies chronic internal conflict, based on internalisation of an external conflict and - it [...]
Character Formation – 5 Steps (1995)
Michael - Handouts2017-04-07T02:57:45+00:00This is a slightly reformulated version of Stephen Johnson's 5 steps of character formation. These five steps are the basic process by which developmental, relational injury occurs and leads to 'turning against the self' and chronic character formation. While rooted in Reich's character analysis, Johnson has drawn from [...]

Character Formation – 5 Steps (early version 1992)
Michael - Handouts2017-04-07T02:56:40+00:00This handout combines a more detailed version of 5 steps of character formation as formulated by Stephen Johnson (see ""Character Styles"" 1994), but based on Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen, with Reich's diagram of an impulse turning back against itself. This diagram is easier to understand if we [...]

Character Formation – Primary, Secondary, Facade (early version 1992)
Michael - Handouts2017-04-07T02:56:52+00:00This handout combines Reich's diagram of a blocked and repressed impulse (the 'turning-against-the-self') with the three layers of character armour. In this handout the three layers are explained in some detail (top half of page). This diagram is easier to understand if we illustrate it with terms drawn [...]