Testimonial Goes Here
Testimonial Goes Here
Calendar Help
Below you can find a listing of all our currently scheduled events. You can display these in four different formats (using the drop-down menu on the left to switch between them): Calendar, Agenda, Stream, and Posterboard. You can use the Categories and Tags drop-down menus to filter the display and restrict it to certain kinds of events. To de-select categories or tags and show all events, click the crossed circle next to the currently displayed category/tab.
The following shortcodes are available:
- Monthly view: {ai1ec view="monthly"}
- Weekly view: {ai1ec view="weekly"}
- Agenda view: {ai1ec view="agenda"}
- Posterboard view: {ai1ec view="posterboard"}
- Stream view: {ai1ec view="stream"}
- Default view as per settings: {ai1ec}
- Filter by event category name: {ai1ec cat_name="halloween"}
- Filter by event category names (separate names by comma): {ai1ec cat_name="Halloween, Thanksgiving Day"}
- Filter by event category id: {ai1ec cat_id="1"}
- Filter by event category ids (separate ids by comma): {ai1ec cat_id="1, 2"}
- Filter by event tag name: {ai1ec tag_name="halloween"}
- Filter by event tag names (separate names by comma): {ai1ec tag_name="Halloween, Thanksgiving Day"}
- Filter by event tag id: {ai1ec tag_id="1"}
- Filter by event tag ids (separate ids by comma): {ai1ec tag_id="1, 2"}
- Filter by post id: {ai1ec post_id="1"}
- Filter by post ids (separate ids by comma): {ai1ec post_id="1, 2"}
If you are combining shortcodes, use the following format:
square bracket open - ai1ec view="monthly" ai1ec tag_name="halloween" - square bracket close
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User Profiles Made Easy $28
User Access Manager
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Social Media Links
- Unordered List
- Unordered List
- Unordered List