120 Belsize Ln
London NW3
This CPD day on the topic "Enactments: are these to be welcomed or avoided?", organised by CONFER, will include presentations by Dr Anne-Marie Daly, Dr Helena Hargaden, Dr James Macdonald, Professor Alistair Ross and Michael. To show how we can make topic applicable to everyday practice, I will be doing a live supervision with a volunteer from the audience.
Most enactments build up implicitly long before they manifest externally, and when they do manifest, much of the emotional intensity is carried by unthought and often unspoken bodymind processes. Our capacity for transforming enactments remains limited as long as we remain focused on the reflective mind, mentalisation, and the techniques of the talking therapies. Whilst 'implicit relational knowing' is increasingly being recognised as a rich area of further development for therapists, its practical application has remained vague and undeveloped. This presentation will be illustrated by a live supervision with a member of the audience.
For full details and booking information for this CONFER event "Enactments: are these to be welcomed or avoided?", visit the CONFER website.