Station Road
York, York YO1

A Spirit of Enquiry: Supervision, the Universe & Everything!
Key Note Speaker: Maria Gilbert - Visiting Professor at Middlesex University; Faculty Head & Subject Specialist at Metanoia Institute
A choice of specially commissioned masterclasses in the morning, followed by a stimulating choice of workshops in the afternoon - see below
The day will comprise a keynote address, What is ‘super’ about Supervision? to stimulate collaborative inquiry, which will be complemented by five “Masterclass” workshops:
Maria Gilbert: ‘Stuck points’ in the Co-created Supervisory Partnership
Ken Evans and Joanna Hewitt Evans: Working with two Supervisors
Steve Page: Deepening use of the cyclical model
Michael Soth: Charged Moments – recognising and engaging with embodied parallel processes
Gina Smith & Annie Higgs: When working in organisations how do we use ourselves in supervision to sustain the spirit of enquiry?